Sovereign ESG Data Portal
Motion Graphic created to showcase the World Bank Sovereign ESG Data Portal features and capabilities and how sovereign ESG data can be incorporated into investment decision...
Juilliard K-12
Another perspective for visual storytelling. We’ve created an array of animation – from on-screen animated text to full-fledged 2D animation. Different elements to help enhance narratives...
“Once Unimaginable” Collective Poem
Launched at #COP27, “Once Unimaginable,” a new collective poem curated by Ahmed Badr, features the voices + experiences of Aimé Ludovic Pêgdwendé Sawadogo, Issaka Ousman Gaoh...
Youth are Walking the Walk
Video created during COP27 to spread the word of youth leaders that, all over the world, are standing up for people and planet. Listen as the...
Recap Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition
Motion Graphics and VFX created for Salina’s and Ahmed’s recap of the #Youth4Climate: #DrivingAmbition event in Milan!
It’s Time
Motion Graphics and Text Animation created to promote the action taken and messages sent during the 2018 One Planet Summit, in New York City. Leaders call...
RedBull Radio
Motion Graphics, Text Animation and VFX created to add an extra touch to this video piece for the internal department of RedBull Radio.
Price on Carbon – CPLC
First of a series of animation clips around the topic of #PriceOnCarbon that the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, CPLC, will be producing during 2018. I worked alongside Kaia Rose, who gave...
During COP23, the team from Connect4Climate requested to have this animation done from a footage they had filmed of Rosario Dawson calling to Climate Change Action. I...